janelle-baResearchers have shown that chocolate has anti-depressant qualities.
I actively test this theory whenever I am in a dark place.

At 53 years of age I had gained a lot of weight and was noticing that a number of friends and associates in my age group were having life changing health problems. I do not intend to go down that path if I can help it.

I had seen the results of an eight week Challenge run by Angela Zappala so decided to give it a go. With Angela’s help I set some goals, was given my personalised eating plan and joined the gym. For the first four weeks I lost only 2.5kg even though I was sticking to my eating plan and working my butt off! Angela was amazing – she supported me, made suggestions, sent me texts, called me, even gave me an award!

At the end of the 8 week challenge I had lost 9kg and felt fantastic.

I have continued to lose weight and work out regularly. I try to exercise everyday, and in fact feel deprived if I don’t. I have discovered I actually have muscles in my legs and arms. My life has changed. I now have a far more equitable balance between work and play (and surprisingly have not lost much productivity despite spending less time working).

I am not good with dieting, but am good at following a plan. The secret to success for me was to plan my meals and snacks and plan my exercise sessions. I have a weekly planner in my kitchen which I update at the start of each week.

Life is good. Angela has helped bring out the best of me. Thank you Angela!!


  Start May 2012 Current January 2013 Goal June 2013
Weight 85kg 65kg 60kg
Fat% 43% 32% 28%